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Rabindra Parajuli

Postdoctoral Research Associate

University of Georgia, Athens, GA

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Born and raised in the Himalayas, I am not only a son, husband, and dad but also a passionate nature enthusiast and seasoned researcher. With over a decade of diverse research experience across countries and ecosystems, I'm dedicated to unraveling the intricate connections between humanity and the environment to drive sustainable solutions.

Snowy Night


2019 - 2024

PhD in Geosciences

Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, FL, USA

2008 - 2010

MSc in Botany

Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu, Nepal

2003 - 2006

BSc in Biology

Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu, Nepal

Research Interests


Saussurea gossypiphora, a medicinal herb, flourishing in Rhododendron anthopogon shrub patch in the Himalayas.

I'm broadly interested in ecological biogeography, including forest ecosystem management, geospatial and statistical modeling applications, meta-analysis, and biodiversity and climate change.


​I've conducted research across various countries and scales, spanning community, ecosystem, and landscape levels, from local to global. My primary research focus centered on plants and their interactions with each other and various biological and physical factors, both above-ground and below-ground aspects, including soil micro-organisms. This encompassed understanding how these factors influenced plant-plant interaction outcomes, plant community assembly process and plant biodiversity, and adaptation to harsh environmental conditions and impacts of climate change.


Recently, I've embraced multidisciplinary biogeographical and geospatial research with broader spatial and temporal implications. Transitioning from a core Botany background to multidisciplinary Geosciences, my academic and research work has become more interdisciplinary, blending ecology with geosciences by incorporating advanced geospatial analysis and modeling techniques.


I enjoy field-based research and leveraging a plethora of big data resources, including remote sensing products, integrating spatial aspects into ecological and environmental analyses, and statistical and geospatial modeling applications.

Stacked Wooden Logs


Parajuli, R. & Markwith, SH. (2023). Biological Conservation, 283, 110100

Mainali, J., Chang, H., & Parajuli, R. (2023). Annals of the American Association of Geographers, 113(2), 390-408

Parajuli, R., O'Brien, M. J., Timilsina, B., Pugnaire, F. I., Schoeb, C., & Ghimire, S. K. (2021). Basic and Applied Ecology, 54, 23-36.

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